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13 Purchases Under $500 That Will Significantly Elevate Your Success.

Writer: The RedeyeThe Redeye

13 Purchases Under $500 That Will Significantly Elevate Your Success.

Often the things that have the biggest impact on your success are small and inexpensive. While I don’t promote consumerism or excessive spending, there are cool little tools that will help elevate your success and hack your life.

I’ve learned about many of these tools through books and podcasts, and now I want to share with you the best one’s for you to try, to see if they’ll give you similar results.

This post is fun, and I loved writing it. It’s such a good feeling to share ideas that can have a major effect on other people’s lives.

Here we go. Below are thirteen purchases under $500 that will significantly elevate your success:


1. Think And Grow Rich book ($5.70)

The book that many entrepreneurs say has changed their life and led them to carve their own road of success is Think And Grow Rich. It’s a cult classic and even though it was written a long time ago, the lessons are still relevant as well as timeless.

If you only get one item on this list, then I insist you buy this book and have it next to your bed.

Let it remind you of what you are capable of and what you must practice daily. I have read it more than ten times, and I encourage you to do the same.


2. Kindle E-reader ($119.99)

Successful people all read and the more you learn to improve yourself, the quicker you will reach your goals. As someone who has struggled reading traditional paperback books because of my eyesight, the Kindle has changed my life.

The model I recommend is the Paperwhite, and it can be taken anywhere with you especially if you travel. Almost any book can be read on it, and it’s one of life’s simple pleasures.

Avoid using tablets with the Kindle App if you can because you will find you will become distracted with social media, email, notifications, etc.


3. Bellicon indoor mini trampoline ($399.00)

We all have days when we are off and are lacking energy or suffering from a headache.

The Bellicon is the only piece of fitness gear you need. It’s not only heaps of fun to bounce on a trampoline in the comfort of your own home, but it also gets your lymphatic system going.

NASA has done several studies on trampolines / rebounders, and even the famous Tony Robbins uses one of these before he goes on stage.

Movement is life and bouncing on a trampoline can be done while watching a Youtube video, listening to a podcast, or even talking to an overseas friend on Skype.

Your success will transform when you start to exercise more. At fifteen minutes a day, bouncing on a trampoline can fit into anyone’s busy schedule.


4. Meditation App ($4.99 per month)

I think we have hammered the point home here on Addicted2Success about meditation many times before, but in case you didn’t get the memo, it’s crucial to your success to start meditating.

I looked at my own circle of entrepreneurs that I know, and I figured out that more than 80% of them meditate.

There are really only two apps to use when meditating and they are: Calm and Headspace. I personally use Calm, but both are great.

An app is the best way to go because it helps keep you on track, it gamify’s your progress, plays calming nature sounds, and has stunning visuals.

I recently hit 33 days straight of meditating twice a day with the Calm app and the silly green badges do seem to make me feel good, and like I have progressed in life….lol. Crank up your success and start meditating like a real entrepreneur!


5. Fearless Motivation album ($16.99)

I discovered Fearless Motivations music through Spotify originally, and it’s exactly what you need to listen to before a big event, meeting, or session at the gym.

Essentially, the album’s they have put out consist of motivational music with pumped up speeches been spoken over the top.

Fearless Motivation has quite a few albums so I would recommend starting with the one titled “Today Is The Day.”

Don’t worry if people see you in your car driving, performing power poses and talking loudly to yourself, this is exactly what the albums are designed to do.


6. A snake plant ($16.99)

Whether you are into gardening or not (I’m definitely not) having an indoor Snake Plant in your bedroom will help improve the air quality.

Green houseplants are also great to look at after staring at a computer screen because the color green helps refresh and relax your eyes. This is why many cars have a green dashboard light.

There are lots of indoor plants available although many shopping centers and office buildings have chosen the Snake Plant because it gives off more oxygen than other options, and removes some very nasty chemicals in the air.

Apparently, indoor plants can also help improve your mood and therefore reduce depression. For less than $20 you really can’t go wrong with a Snake Plant.


7. Rode smartphone mic ($79.00)

In the age of podcasts and recording content, a simple tool that you must have is a quality microphone. The one I use it the Rod Smart Lav because it can plug into an iPhone and it comes with its own recording app.

This mic will allow you to record interviews with people, and it can also be synced up to any video that you might shoot at the same time.

I’ve also used it at live events too, and it’s worked well. This device is an excellent way to come across as a pro in your field of expertise.


8. Video camera ($279.00)

We’ve all heard that content is king, and right now, social media is all about video. With platforms like Periscope, Meerkat, Facebook Live, and Snapchat, it’s important to be able to share video content that is decent quality and can educate the world on what you have to give.

As you get better at filming video’s, you will elevate your success and potentially become a thought leader in your field.

The video camera I recommend is the Canon HF 606although there are plenty that will do the job. What you want is something that records in HD, and ideally, is compact.


9. Lava lamp ($17.99)

No, it’s not a throwback to the 1960’s. The lava lamp will help elevate your success by creating the right kind of mood. Your best work is done when you are in a powerful state.

Every major recording studio has a lava lamp for a reason, and it’s because it helps us be creative. Entrepreneurship is closely linked to creativity so it will help bring out more of the best in you.

I’ve had one next to my writing desk for over five years now, and it really gives me the good vibes I need to come up with memorable ideas to change the world. So get groovy baby and try out a lava lamp to help elevate your success!


10. A domestic flight ($199 — $500)

Working hard on your dream of trying to be successful in your field can take all of your brainpower and energy.

We need to reset once in a while to refuel and gain a different perspective on our current challenges. A domestic flight of around one hour away from where you live is a great way to take a break and see new things.

For me, the domestic flight I take is to Sydney, which is not far away and helps me to hang out at different places, and see people I haven’t seen for a while. Whenever I come back from a short trip, I always feel refreshed and full of new ideas.


11. Sleep mask ($25.90)

The way you sleep will impact your success more than you realise. In order to get a good nights sleep the experts recommend having your bedroom as dark as possible.

For many years I slept with the blinds up and wondered why I never slept well.

It was only when I heard a few interviews of Arianna Huffington explaining some of the fundamentals of sleep that I changed things up. The cheapest and easiest way to better your sleep is to buy a sleep mask.

You can also use this same sleep mask when you are flying on a plane and need to get some sleep. I’ve used one for about six months, and it’s been a big help.

There are lots of different types available, and almost any of them will work. The one I use is a “Sleep Master Sleep Mask” which is the same one that Tim Ferriss talks about on his blog. Try it out and see what it feels like to sleep better and have more energy.

“Money never sleeps but you must if you want to be successful”


12. Web hosting for a blog ($4.99 per month)

Whatever your vision is, you have to create a web presence for your message. Even if you are an individual with no business or a brand new blogger, everyone should have a simple, free WordPress site. I’ve had one

for little over a year, and it costs me $4.99 per month for hosting.

It’s a way for people to contact you and see all of your social media channels in the one spot. It makes you stand out from the crowd, and it gives you an online presence that represents what you value and your beliefs.

Spend another $10 and get yourself your own domain name at the same time.

I promise this tiny, monthly investment will be worth every dollar.


13. Running Shoes ($79.99)

It’s easy to get stuck at our desk all day working away on our vision to change the world and never move

around. This is why society has become obese, and this is why we can feel tired halfway through the day.

The final investment you should make is on some lightweight running shoes that you can walk, and hopefully, run around in. I like the Nike Free runners although there are so many good ones to choose from that are made by other brands.

When you’re traveling overseas and taking in the sites, a good pair of runners becomes even more essential.

Make it a habit that when you’re working long hours on a project, that you go outside every two hours in your runners and at least walk around the block. This will help reset your mind and balance out your energy levels.

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